🌎 Earth
Chez Better, on lutte, entre-autres, pour la justice environnementale, la protection de la biodiversité et en faveur de l’économie circulaire.
of our members are committed to this cause.
4 projects
Our members support 4 projects in this area
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Goods to Give
River Cleanup
Graine de vie
Planète en danger
Ces dernières années ont eu un impact catastrophique sur les populations d'animaux sauvages, le climat et la santé humaine. On le sait, cette crise climatique peut sembler insurmontable, mais ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence !
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Together, nothing stands in our way
Thanks to the actions of organizations Better supports.
Goods to Give
17 million euros of non-food unsold goods saved and redistributed since the founding of the non-profit organization.
In 2023, between 800 and 1000 households have received food parcels each month, totaling between 10920 and 10140 parcels distributed.
River Cleanup
Over 1,000,000 kg of plastic removed from rivers.
Newsletter Better.
We regularly come across exceptional new associations. We'll tell you about them in our newsBetter.
max. 1 e-mail per month
Graine de vie
Grain of Life has planted 45,000,000 trees in 3 years.
Notre planète est en feu. Prenez un seau et rejoignez-nous !
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